Computers have became a part in our day-to-day life. but in this section most of the competitive exams will give questions on networking also. So knowing about computers only is not enough.

Here we used take care about some of the important concepts where there is a probability of  getting more questions. They are

1) Ms-office
2) Input-Output devices
3) Networking concepts

At first we will see about the basic origin of the computers and the possible questions from this section. Then we will see different operating systems and short-cuts for implementing a function.

Computer is a modern-electronic tool that accepts input data, do processing according to a set of instruction, called program and produce or store the output information. The term computer has been derived from the word 'COMPUTE' This computer generally gives impression that it is a calculating machine but really computer can do several jobs other that computation.

The first operational digital computer was the ENIAC (Electronic Memory-Numerical Integrator and Calculator). It was developed in 1946 by John Mauchy and J.Presper Eckert at the university of Pennysylvania. Professor John Von Neumann gave the idea of stored program concept which is the key concept in the design of today's computers. According to stored program concept, the program and its associated data must be stored in a high speed memory during execution of a program. EDVAC (Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer) was the first stored program computer and it became operational in 1951.

The architecture of a Neumann computer consists of a processor and a memory connected through a single path call communication channel. Since there is only a single path, the processor can either receive data or an instruction from memory at one time. this constraint is known as Von Neumann Bottleneck

Today, more than 50 years later, nearly all processors have a "Von Neumann" architecture.


The first generation computers (1946-1954) were based on vaccum tubes which were bulky in size and generated a considerable amount of heat. UNIVAC-1 (Universal Automatic Computer) was the first generation of digital computer.
In second generation computers(1955-1964), the vacuum tubes were replaced by transistors and hence the size of computers were greatly reduced.
The third generation computers (1965-1974) used Integrated Circuits (IC's). An IC is a tiny chip that contains all elements of an electronic circuit on a very small area as a single unit, which introduced the concept of miniaturization in the computer industry. Also during this generation, Magnetic disks came into  use to store the data and programs.
The fourth generation computers,the significant advancement is the integration of a complete processor on a single chip called 'microprocessor'. These computers are made up of using LSI (Large Scale Integration ) and VLSI (Very Large Scale Integration)  technologies.
In fifth generation computers we are presently using a technology called 'Artificial Intelligence'


The digital computers are categorized into the following according to their capabilities, Physical size, expected use and cost. They are
  1. Supercomputers
  2. Mainframes
  3. Minicomputers
  4. Workstations
  5. Microcomputers  or personal computers